Kamis, 18 Agustus 2016

Puzzle Forex Analysis section 1

puzzle forex Fellow trader, we'll play puzzles instinct to sharpen your analysis. Siembah.com a forex analysis 100 puzzles you can learn ways to solve the problem is to use market conditions, you face today.

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This forex analysis puzzle -1 :.

puzzle analisa forex 01

To analyze the market direction, we can use standard tools such as the trend line could also use indicators. Use your own indicators, we will divide by measuring the volatility indicators, gauges and measuring the saturation trend.

However, as the first puzzle that is always simple, we'll use only one indicator Bollinger Band. In the puzzle next to the 100 degree more complicated, we will use the thorough analysis that is a combination of the way to see the market direction of several frames of time, reading the direction of the market in terms of volatility, the trend and saturation as well as predict the market movement of the rhythm pair himself.

OK to decipher this first analysis of the rule Siembah # 1:

graphics "that can move from one end of the strip towards the end of the opposite strip directly on the bandwidth requirement will be reversed immediately item "

in the above image if we Bollinger band (12.0) will look like this:

puzzle forex contoh 1

If we consider that we can see that the graph is moved to the end of the tape down late the band on it directly like this:

puzzle forex contoh 2

Note that the graph moving up from point B where candlenya touches the lower band at the top where candlenya also touch the upper band.

If you look at the rules of siembah # 1 analysis, then we can predict that the next eastbound down. But we should not directly open SELL position, we need to check the trigger. In the above image appears on the candle with a long tail that marks the start pressure to turun.Itulah triggers that will justify Siembah rule # 1 above analysis. Note the trigger itself can be derived from indicators.

Once the trigger occurs then we think the market is down and could open a SELL position. Perhaps the question to what extent the market is down?

Due to the sideway condition was not final market is flat / parallel to the largest possible market will move 80% of long distance before. Consider the movement from point A to point B, the reverse market management is not as high as once again, but only about 80% of its current point A.

So, the correct answer the above puzzle is DOWN . Like this:

hasil puzzle analisa 01

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