Kamis, 11 Agustus 2016

How can I determine buy and sell

menentukan buy dan sell

Anytime must buy and when should sell?

Perhaps a frequently asked question by a particular trader trader pemula.Dan answers right is the "analysis ..!"

In analyzing, you will know when to buy and when to sell or when diaam and wait until a signal appears.

determining Buy

to determine buy we should make sure first that the market direction naik.Ciri market characteristics that rises:

1 . when a candlestick chart down but the body candle narrowing
the chart shows that the current decline is the dominant seller. but when the body of the candle decreases this shows start their resistance buyers. So pressure down will start to lose momentum on the rise. At the time of a boost is greater than the downward pressure that the market has started to increase.

body candle mengecil

2. Where the contract through the line closest to the line resistance / basic
The line resistance is built from a minimum of 2 aligned peaks. Two parallel peaks show that the price level is maintained by the seller .However when the resistance line he succeed entered , which means the seller lose position. And of course, requires that to enter a powerful force, so that the violations of the resistance line, we know that at that time was a great buying power. Therefore, some time after the resistance penetrated buyers still dominate the market so that the market will continue to rise.

menembus resistance

3. When the indicator signal travels up and down the chart or the main indicators below
most of the indicators are built on the development of the moving average yangmerupakan, the average market price during the period tertentu.Ketika average price was above graphics indicate the current market movement is low. And something are low, it tends to fall. Therefore, when the value of the indicator switch directions in the chart below, it shows their strength in the market. And strengthening the impact on the increase of the market.

perpindahan posisi indikator perpindahan posisi indikator

4. When the correction ended the upward trend
a correction was to ensure that the market direction is correct. Thus, when the correction market stalled longer moves in the direction previously.

koreksi terhenti

5. When the market decline, but the index rose
already discussed in No. 3, the value of the indicator is a reflection of the state of market movements. This means that the value of the indicator is the result of processing the market value occurs. So if the direction of the market with the same direction indicator. So when there are irregularities on the market, the right direction is a direction indicator.


6. current bullish candlestick chart bodynya elongation
candlestick body length showed a dominance of one party if the buyer or seller. If appears candlestick upward with the body longer than its body before it shows the strongest dominance of the buyer. The condition is usually the market will continue to rise to domination of the buyer is broken by the seller.

body candle memanjang

How to determine Sell

signs that the market is this decline is the opposite signs of the market will increase. Namely:

1. When a candlestick chart on the rise, but the body candle narrowing

2. When the market broke support nearby / reference

3. When the indicator signal to move below in the table above, or a main indicator

4. When the downward trend interrupted Correction

5. When the market goes up, but the indicator decreased

6. when a candlestick chart bodynya bearish elongation

This some function market will move up and down which can be used to determine buy and sell .Therefore when you analyze and see the conditions mentioned above, you can determine the following directions, then decided to sell open or open.

How to determine buy and sell above is very effective in keeping the basic rules of market movements. However, to maximize its use, you must get used to observe the market conditions in the above manner. So your instincts become sharper to identify the following market orientation.

This how determine buy and sell can be useful. How to determine buy and sell more details will be discussed on another page.

Thanks For Reading : How can I determine buy and sell