Kamis, 04 Agustus 2016

Forex Trend Type

belajar fx25

In the forex section 13 learning, you learn a kind of trend.

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instantly trend is the price trend in a long time. The price movement is generally divided into four, namely:

Trend Up (increase)
is a condition where the price movement tends to continue moving ride atas.Trend characterized by the presence of two low progressively higher.


downward trend (bearish)
is the condition of decreased price movements and continue kecenderuangan to down until the reversal.
downward trend is marked by two points more modest highest.


trend Landscape (sideaway)
is a condition that tends to price changes back and forth and down in a range of prices tertentu.Hal it shows traders await confirmation or are confused.


movement Without directions
is a condition in which the movement of prices does not create a trend and irregular. This is often caused by the lack of economic news released on the small itu.Sehingga ONCE tottering by large traders.


batas 5

next to forex learning materials are support and resistance

Thanks For Reading : Forex Trend Type