Qu ' do is difficult [[1945006forextrading?Whyyouloseoftentansaksi?
Forex Trading are arena combat Tader Usually the shopkeeper or trader beginners will be an excellent meal trader. Try you noticed that many novice traders and traders little capital led to the bankruptcy Maybe you've known your market stoploss hit first and then market moves according to your predictions.
Will forex means market it can be controlled? not really. Just sometimes there are conditions in which many large operators simultaneously enter the market by finding the best deals in advance so that the market moves against type before there was a movement panjang.Dari where big traders generate profits banyak.Dan winning strategy that large traders.
If we mirror on a great trader, to become the winner must have 2 to the power that is the power of capital and strategy .Artinya although we have big capital, but if trading without the right strategy, then gradually it will run out of capital. Similarly, if you have a good strategy, but the capital is not enough to finance the trading strategy was then a time will be crushed by adverse conditions.
So what is more important between capital and strategy?
If you a money may buy the strategy, but the best strategy is a strategy that you have created, you feel like pain and you know its history. Because the strategy used by other people may not be able to run fully.
If you a good strategy, you can use this strategy to make money and then you modal.Entah mejualnya make on others, or used to manage other people's money and the result is that you use to capital.
From these two considerations above, this time is more important to us is the strategy.
Whether, in fact, the right strategy to win forex?
Due this relates to business profits, then a winning strategy forex it should have:
1. Indications correct predictions
leadership is right in the foundation of the victory of a transaction and it is absolutely necessary. prediction is correct this product a quality analysis. Therefore deepen the analysis method you use so that it can generate a more true than bad prediction.
2. Entry fee for the best
In order to minimize losses and maximize profit potential then we need to achieve the most points. This could do if we can buy at low price and sell at the highest price.
3. Measurable goals and close
Although predictions are correct and the input price is the best price if the target is too far could be advantage are got turned into losses if before reaching the goals of Mars already behind direction.
4. enough energy to reach the target
Even if the target is short, but if at the time we have entered the market market are not in a position that is powered, it may be that the objective could not be achieved.
5. Timing an appropriate market
There are times when even if our correct predictions, but the market will really not achieve the purpose of running well, we have to let the market to avoid losses due to the reversal.
If you could melakuka n fifth ha the above, although without managing trade money is more likely your can win in each transaction and can make a profit.