This is the explanation of the beginning of the Forex Business How you who want to start a business in the field of forex trading online.
We present guidelines on how forex trading business is to see that many potential traders who need full information on how to start a forex business.
We begin, in essence, the forex business is to manage capital through foreign exchange transactions for the benefit and in a certain period of your capital increase.
We have set up a special page on how to start a business of forex, please you read page: for FOREX companies
to start this forex business steps - steps that must be performed as follows:
1. Create an account Forex
Forex trading is done by brokers, therefore, we must first register on the forex broker to create an account or account with the broker. Later accounts that have been created that is used to keep your capital and the proceeds of the transaction you made. This process of creating forex account is also called Forex List
2. Installing Metatrader
exchange operations via software called Metatrader. Olehkarena for online exchange, you must set up MetaTrader on our computers. The good trick course by installing the MetaTrader program to a computer.
3. filing capital
Because in this forex business to manage your funds, you must file the first capital in forex account. The capital injection is called the Forex deposit.
4. conduct forex transactions
After a forex account contains capital and MetaTrader is already installed dikomputer, stage selanjunya is to connect to the MetaTrader trading account data and password. It was only later, after a successful connection to MetaTrader you ready to tansaksi.
in the first step, we will open a real money account at best the broker asia 2012.2013 & 2014
1. open the application, click HERE
Next, fill out the form below as an example. Select a type of standard account, the USD currency leave, enter your e-mail, create a new password (free) to open a session kepersonal area. Click the account registration process
2. Next, go to your email inbox, open the email FBS. Click on the registration link to activate new forex accounts
3. Then fill in the new form with your personal data, enter the date birth, identification number, the address ID, enter the phone number, create keyword (fill any) check box customer agreement, click the Open trading account
4. Displays data of your trading account, write it down please and save it: PIN, account number, trade password
The process of opening a real account FBS has been completed, you have already registered in FBS and already have a trading account.
Account Verification
account verification step is essential for the withdrawal of account funds can function properly.
audit is done by uploading a photo ID, so please ID card with photo of your camera phone, then try it held the hand of his identity card when diphoto. This position examples of KTP:
The diphoto is the back of the ID card that is in your name and address
1. Login to personal area KETK in the browser:
Enter the e-mail and personal password ( password that is created when the list content of the form)
2. Click the green button above
3. Check the menu, click
4. Click choose file and select the photo file of the ID card that was prepared
5. Click the button Submit request to download the file ID
6. notification appears, the download was successful and will be treated, the results will be sent to the e-mail address.
7. If the audit is received, it will look something like this
Download and install METATRADER
1. Click HERE to download the MetaTrader
once downloaded, simply open the file
2. Appear like this, click Next
3. Check the agreement of the city, click Next
4. right next
5. Wait until the download is complete
6 . After clicking Finish
7. later MetaTrader run automatically, the initial display as shown below. No form is open a demo account, click cancel
8. Now it appears the login form if the login form does not appear, click the File menu above select Connect
please enter the trading account number and password, select the real server, click the Connect button
9. If successful login, the lower right corner appears a sign signal of green, it is also the name of your left
1. Login to personal area: my
2. Select Fund under financial deposit menu operations
3. Suppose you have been on behalf of BCA, BCA and select
4. in addition, account will appear broker
5. please transfer to rek broker, not forget the news content transfer with the words: account Depo of (trading account number)
transfer preferably using mobile banking or bank teller
6. After the transfer, click the alert Create
please fill in with the transfer amount, the date of transfer. after clicking the Add button
7. Later in the transaction history will look its status is under
8. After 1-4 hours, the funds will go to
own forex Completed preparation business, following langakah of trying operations exchange for the trading account already contains capital.
regarding foreign exchange transactions please read HERE, we briefly explain that, in essence, in Forex trading, there are two types of transactional sequence of events ie:
- then you buy the price goes up then you close and then you get the result
- .. you sell and the price drops and then you close it, then the result is fortunately also
so in forex trading, you can enjoy both prices up or moving to down, if you're really set a first agreement to buy or sell.
Such is a brief explanation how the forex business, please read more about the site that we recommend above